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Lung lavage therapeutics.


A pre-clinical-stage company offering novel lung lavage therapeutics.

BUFFALO BIOMEDICAL TECHNOLOGY Co., Ltd. offering novel lung lavage therapeutics.


Buffalo Biotech is a pre-clinical-stage company offering novel lung lavage therapeutics ("Vigor solution") for acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Buffalo Biotech is the first to develop a unique physical therapy method to overcome no pharmacologic therapy problem for ARDS. "Vigor solution" utilizes a non-specific adsorption method to effectively decrease cytokines in the lungs. The safety assessment of "Vigor solution" through pulmonary irrigation in mini-Pigs (168 days post Vigor administration) reoprt the "Vigor solution" was harmless. Severe ARDS animal studies demonstrated reductions 25% PMNL infiltration, 25% intra alveolar edema, and 50% mortality. We are seeking funding, to support us corporation with physician to treat ARDS patients by compassionate use. The "Vigor solution" not only can used in typical ARDS, but also COVID-19 ARDS.

Our Vision

New solution for prevention and treatment emergency patients in COVID-19 ARDS

Adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)

Acute lung injury (ALI)


Buffalo Biomedical Technology Co. Ltd. is a start-up company to develop a novel "VIGOR lung irrigation solution" to quickly inhibit inflammation and relieve disease of acute lung injury (ALI), adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and COVID-19 ARDS. The "Vigor lung irrigation solution" has a nonspecific adsorption component that can clean lung and inhibit inflammation passway to decrease pulmonary edema, alveolar infiltrates to relieve acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). To help ARDS and ALI patients to restore the function of the lungs for gas exchange, to breath and life again in short time.​

Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS).

History & Milestone


  • Start-up company. In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, Buffalo biomedical technology co. Ltd. established to develop novel treatments for acute respiratory distress (ARDS) caused by COVID-19 induced cytokine storm.


  • VIGOR lung solution idea was proof of concept.

  • The safety andEfficacy animal study demonstrate VIGOR lung solution is safety and efficitaly to treat LPS induced acute lung injury in SD-rats.

  • Application PCT patent.

  • First GMP like batch.


  • Class III medical device (Taiwan)

  • Three kinds of animal trials demonstrate harmless and efficiency(therapeutic efficacy test, subacute systemic toxicity assessment, and long-term minipig biocompatibility study)


2F., No. 1, Sec. 5, Zhongxiao E. Rd., Xinyi Dist., Taipei City 110410, Taiwan (R.O.C.)


Office  +886-2-25174841

Mobile +886-926-129005

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